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Science and Art: BFF

February 21, 2013


I have always found many things in nature and science artistically beautiful.  However during my school learning experiences, I was never given the chance to explore science and art as an integrated experience. This year Mr. Anderson helped me create opportunities for students to creatively explore science and art concepts to produce understanding and wonderful […]

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CooL TooLs

February 14, 2013


Knowing and using the right tool for the job can save you time and allow you to effectively perform a task. There are two definitions of “tool” that I am referring to: (mainly the first for now) Dictionary:  Tool an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer,saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations. anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose Every job has it’s own set of tools Chef:  knife, garlic press, rolling pin […]

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Personal Learning Plans

November 8, 2012


One of my goals this school year is to allow students to have more of an ability to create their own learning goals and design projects based around their questions and interests.  I created a format to organize self-created investigations for myself and my students. Click on the Personal Learning Plan Links in the menu […]

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