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Skills and Mindsets

November 13, 2012


Link to interactive Skills and Mindsets mindmap As I began to analyze how I learn, I set out to determine what skills and mindsets I feel proficient learners embody.  There are a variety of lists, ideas, and opinions in education as to which skills are the most crucial.  The framework I found particularly useful was […]

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November 6, 2012


Will Richardson in Why School:

“As much as I like and respect the teachers my kids have had over the years (and I really do), very few (if any) of them have been transparent learners in the classroom. People who model their own learning process, connect to other learners as a regular part of their day, and learn continuously around the things they have a passion for.”

After thinking about and attempting to rate my transparency as a learner, I gave myself a 10…

… percent. I realized I had a grossly underdeveloped tool sitting right in front of my face. Why not share my own learning strategies and explorations to help students develop as learners?

My first step was to think about how I learn things.

Mr. Fox: “Brain, how do we learn stuff?”
Mr. Fox’s Brain: “We just do it!”
Mr. Fox: “No, seriously.”
Mr. Fox’s Brain: (gears whirring furiously)

I quickly realized that this was going to be difficult. I decided to create this blog to provide a forum to analyze how I learn, help others develop as learners, and become a ‘transparent learner’.

So now, I’m blogging!!!

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